Eggplant Fries with Honey and Sea Salt. Don’t get me started. I could eat this everyday. I really could.
Why is it that whenever I eat fried eggplant I make an involuntary “uhmmmm” sound? No other food does that to me. Sure I’ll catch myself saying “mmm” lots of times with lots of foods. These instances are usually premeditated however. Either I know somebody worked hard on something and I’d like to acknowledge their effort. Or sometimes I am so pleasantly relieved that Aunt Audrey’s chocolate chip cookies didn’t break my teeth that I want to offer my encouragement. Of course sometimes something is so plainly delicious that “mmm” just seems pertinent. I’ve been known to murmmle out the appropriate response “mmm” when other adjectives can’t quite fall from my too full mouth. “Mmm” makes everyone’s happy and I don’t actually have to stop eating.
But “uhmmmm” is reserved solely for fried eggplant. On my world “uhmmmm” is the ultimate compliment because it is indeed involuntary. I literally can’t stop myself. Believe me I would never choose to make such a sound. Plain old “mmm” has a much nicer ring to it. Everyone knows what it means, and no one thinks I’m having a heart attack.
Poppy’s Eggplant Fries
However, I was recently in Seattle at Poppy restaurant and a whole new gasp of approval passed my greasy lips. “Uhmmmmgoawd” is how I unintelligibly and uncontrollably described the sweet and savory eggplant fries that passed my way. Golden and crisp on the outside, creamy on the inside. Dusted with the best Maldon sea salt and drizzled with a touch of honey. These fries will satisfy your salty-sweet cravings and leave you murmmering like an idiot. How can something so simple be so completely irresistible? I wish I had gotten the recipe, but my mouth was too full to ask. Here’s my humble recreation of Poppy’s Eggplant Fries. GREG
PS Yes they are soaked in ice water. Here’s why.
I think about Poppy’s eggplant fries all the time and haven’t even lived in Seattle for 3 years now. I was so happy to see a recipe so I can make them here in Lisbon. Thank you!
I had the eggplant fries at Poppy over the summer. http://instagram.com/p/dLViSKGDyd/ They are CRAZY delicious.
I think Alexis would go nuts over these, I should surprise her with these. I’m thinking of a parmesan cream dipping sauce would be good with these.
No one in my family shares my eggplant addiction, but I’m making these anyway — great tip about soaking in water!! Thx
I absolutely suck at cooking eggplant. It’s the one veg that’s the death of me. Mushy, rubbery, oil sponge, dry and burnt, I cannot get it right. What I wouldnt give to have these..with the honey…oh wow. pinned
I’ve done lots of fried eggplant, but never fries. I gotta try it to see what sound I make! 😉
I would have thought that eggplant were a little to wet to make decent fries, and then you go and soak them in water! Just goes to show what I know! On my to-do list.
Sounds odd. But if you soak the eggplant first (salt or not) it’s unable to absorb oil when frying making for a much less geasy interior. GREG http://www.bonappetit.com/test-kitchen/inside-our-kitchen/article/the-secret-to-grease-free-eggplant-fries
Greg, I’m making all sorts of involuntary uhmmmm noises just *reading* about your eggplant fries!
Eggplant was one of those vegetable I used to detest, but I love it so much now, can’t believe I do.
A great recipe, so glad you are getting out some fun stuff on your blog. Eggplants are like sponges, and you have shown how flavorful they can be with the additions.
I don’t know why but my family (husband and two kids) are not into eggplants while I eat eggplants like crazy. I sometimes I don’t need meat if I have eggplant in dishes. Anyway, I’m so excited. I’ve never had eggplant fries. Never even heard of it! I’m so inspired by this dish and gotta try it real soon! This time I am not sharing these fries with anyone. It’s all mine. 😀
I am loving this combination. Delicious!
Someday I need to brave the mighty eggplant again. Somehow I always fail at it when I make my own attempts. But I’ve had uhmmmmmmm-worthy eggplant elsewhere and this looks thoroughly uhmmmmm-able!
Muy interesante. I eat a lot of eggplant and use honey frequently but never together. A must try.
Well, eggplant is not my most favorite vegetable in the world, but I do admit these sound intriguing!
This sounds better than all the “uhmmmmms” in the world. What a great idea.
Definitely love the simplicity to this! I can see why you love them so much. Great recipe Greg!
Crisp on the outside, creamy on the inside. I’ll take a plate, please.