
What’s Next???

Sippity Sup. What's Next???

Next? What do you say on a blog in times like these? Should I even say anything? I love my little blog but it can seem so inconsequential when faced with the uncertainty of COVID-19. Still, there’s a part of me that finds great comfort in this blog and its virtual community. After all, virtual contact is the ultimate form of social distancing, right?


As you may know, I’ve been the primary caregiver for my MIL Marian for the past 4 years. These last two years have been particularly challenging. Now, of course, I’m even more concerned than I’ve ever been about the health and safety of the woman in our care. Our household is ground-zero because we have an extremely frail woman who depends on other people and their close physical contact for absolutely everything. I hate to think about the consequences of a bad decision.

Ken and I can’t do this all on our own. I wish we could, but we can’t. This means we have other caregivers who come in for a few hours each day to give us a break. They’re professionals – I’ve seen them adhere to the highest standards of hygiene. Still, should I worry about bringing them into my house? I further worry about our financial obligations to them and their families. Where’s the balance? What is the right thing to do? Whose needs come first? No person should have to put themselves in danger just to pay their rent. Nor should Marian’s needs go unmet…

For now, we’re opting for open, honest communication. I don’t know what else to do. I need their help – but is it the best way forward? What’s next? I just don’t know. So it’s one day at a time just as it is for us all I suppose.

What does this have to do with my blog? Well, not much really. Except maybe it’s made me aware of how important this blog is to me. I think about it even when I can’t find the juice to cook – let alone the creativity to photograph and post.


There’s a further irony. I’m in the middle of a blog redesign. It’s something I started at the beginning of the year. It was intended to reignite my passion for blogging. Instead, it makes me wonder about my priorities in a time such as this.

Which is why today, I’m posting a few links to some of my favorite posts of the past four years. It helps me feel that there’s a future, not just for this little blog, but for us all.

Stay safe. GREG

Next for and Best of Sippity Sup

Apple Blondies Say ‘I Love You’ 100x a Day

Beet and Persimmon Christmas Salad

Sesame Salmon in Memory of My Father

How to Cook Tri-Tip in the Oven

Pork Cheeks and Movie Stars

Wes Avila’s Chile Colorado, L.A. Style

Rum-Muddled Diplomat in a Cool Dark Corner