TomatoMania ContestI know it’s not Monday. So I should not even be uttering the word Maniac. But I just wanted to remind you TomatoManiacs to get to work on a tomato recipe.
I know you want thousands of new tomato loving foodies to discover your blog. As I stated in the tomato recipe contest announcement, I can help 6 people do just that. Because I am going to be handing out recipe cards at the Los Angeles Garden Show printed up with your recipes and your logo and/or url!
Dig back in your blog. You must have something. The only thing I ask is you not steal the recipes or the photos. Make these recipes your own, or have permission. Better yet, turn in a great recipe passed down in your family. What a great way to honor your Great Aunt Tilda!
TO ENTER: Send an e‑mail to greg [AT] sippitysup [DOT] com (ONE entry per person, please!) with the following information by MIDNIGHT, Monday, April 20 PDT:
- First name
- Blog name (or hometown if you don’t have a blog)
- Blog URL (if you have a blog)
- An ORIGINAL Recipe (Word Document preferred)) 300 words or less
- AN ORIGINAL photo of your tomato recipe, at least 400 px wide (preferably square)
- A one-line description of your recipe
- I will contact the winners for their logo and url on April 21st or 22nd
What are you doing still here? Get to work on your entry! GREG