
Savory Cocktails and a Google Hangout with @GFDoctor Jean Layton

Savory Cocktails by Greg HenryI’ve been so busy blathering about it all over social media that I almost forgot to make an announcement here. So here goes. Savory Cocktails (my second book!) is out from Ulysses Press now.

I’m very excited to share it with people. There are lots of ways to get a sneak peek at this book. You could type Savory Cocktails into the search bar of this site. I’ve shared lots of stuff about the process leading up to the publication. Also there are several nice write up at other places on the web. Just ask the Google. Type in “Savory Cocktail Greg Henry” and The Google will show you several places where you can find a few of the recipes from this book, as well as some great pictures from people who have made themselves a few savory sips of their own. You you time it right you might even win a copy. There are several giveaways happening as I write this.

Also, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t come here and try to cajole you into buying a copy for yourself. There’s a link to do just that in the right side bar. I’m sure you can’t miss it, it says “Buy Now”. In fact Amazon is another great place to get a peek inside this book.

However if your not convinced, let me try another method of persuasion. How about a video of me looking foolishly giddy about the release of this book? Sometimes I just can’t help being myself (as hard as I try).

I recently sat down with my friend Jean Layton of The Gluten Free Chef and did a segment for her new Google Hangout A Look at Books. She plans to sit down once a week and talk to authors about their books. You can find out more about what she has planned for the series HERE.

In my case we talked about books and booze. We even shared a cocktail. Well virtually… GREG