
Rhubarb Gin & Tonic

The clean, tart, bracing aspect of rhubarb makes it perfect in a cocktail. It’s bright nature pairs particularly well with gin. But rhubarb would work where ever you might use citrus in a cocktail.


Rhubarb Gin & Tonic 

Print This Recipe Total time Yield 1Source Adapted from Brad McDonald’s Rhubarb HazePublished

serves 1


  • ½ teaspoon bitters, preferably rhubarb but angostura is fine too
  • 1 scoop ice cubes
  • 1 ounce gin
  • 1 ounce rhubarb juice (see recipe section for instructions http://​www​.sippitysup​.com/​r​h​u​b​a​r​b​-​j​u​ice)
  • 1 teaspoon rhubarb infused simple syrup (see recipe section for instructions http://​www​.sippitysup​.com/​r​h​u​b​a​r​b​-​s​i​m​p​l​e​-​s​y​rup)
  • 1 unknown stalk rhubarb and/or lemon verbena for garnish


Pour bitters into a Collins style glass, swirl to coat and discard the excess. Fill the glass ½ way with ice cubes. Combine gin, tonic, rhubrab juice and simple syrup. Stir. Garnish with rhubarb and or lemon verbena.