Game Night. We’ve all done them. From Parcheesi to Monopoly. From Charades to Pictionary. It’s fun to get together with friends and family and play by the rules once in a while. How about a Poker Party?
This week on The Table Set we decide to tackle poker. Texas Holdem to be exact. Though we didn’t play for money. So I know a few die-hards out there are probably rolling their eyes and thinking, “that’s not poker”. But we did play for prizes to make it fun. Winner take all.
The card game was blast (though I lost). But as you might guess by the crowd at the table the real star of the evening was the food. I brought my Sweet Potato Skins with Chorizo & Bacon Brittle you may remember from a few posts ago. Andy whipped up thematically appropriate Surf-n-Turf menu, we were spinning vinyl and Nathan looked into his liquor cabinet and served up classic Rob Roy cocktails for us to swig out of flasks!
To prove how much fun we had we put together a little video teaser. Joy The Baker makes an appearance in it too. Poker brings out the best in her. So I hope you make the jump and head over to the Homefries Podcast Network to listen to the whole episode, and see the whole menu. Because what’s more fun than games between friends. GREG