Sugar Snap Peas Salad for Trayvon Martin
When I was young I used to wait
On master and hand him his plate
Pass him the bottle when he got dry
And brush away the blue-tail fly
Sugar snap peas, and I don’t care
Sugar snap peas, and I don’t care
Sugar snap peas, and I don’t care
My master’s gone away
Sugar Snap Peas Salad for Trayvon Martin
I changed the words to this song because I thought I could diffuse their meaning. I changed them to make my simple salad relevant to the bigger more important issues of the day. But I failed. The words in my version still ring sad.
I know what this song is about. I can’t help but feel its racial implications. I spent a good amount of time in the south. This song simplifies complicated things. Things that should have died off long ago. But a boy was killed in Florida and a lawyer simplified the law so that it could be something a jury of “peers” could digest.
I also understand this song is comfort food to a whole lot of people. But even comfort food is complicated. Racism is ugly, and it’s not dead in America. So I made this Sugar Snap Peas Salad for Trayvon Martin.
I don’t think I need to share the recipe. GREG

I love this post, Greg. What a gift. Hiding and denying where we have been and where we are right now is not serving us. Racism is alive and well and thriving here, and will be until we admit that fact and decide what to do about it. It’s all up to us. I did not know these words to this song. I am glad that I do know them, because knowledge is power, and a little knowledge (where we are now) is a dangerous thing (where we are now). You remind me where we can go and how to get there. Speaking up and opening our eyes and listening to people who have personal knowledge on this subject (which would not include Bill O’Reilly or Newt G. or many other mean old blowhards) — so many things we can do to move forward to that Liberty and Justice for All thing. I think about Trayvon Martin and his parents every day, and admire their courage and integrity and spirit. And you are the BEST!
What’s the purpose in writing (anything) if you can’t express the original and distinct connections you make between your feelings, your thoughts, and the things you experience in the world? If you offend the Larry’s of the world, that means you’re doing something RIGHT.
Larry needs an Atomic Cocktail.
Thank you Greg. Take what my email said and amplify that.
Very sadly, indeed, racism is not dead in America…
And, to respond to Larry (although since he has chosen to unsubscribe will probably not read it) as is so obvious to me from recent news and incidents, issues of food are cultural and touch on the political. Very brave of you, Greg, to post this.
I didn’t think it was brave. But gauging from the private emails I have gotten it seems people perceive it that way. Most everything people said to me was supportive (even if they disgreed). But mostly they preferred not to say it in public. GREG
I come on here to enjoy recipes and savor the food! I DO NOT come on here in order to engage in political dialog! Since, however, you brought it up, you can now unsubscribe me from this site! The jury (the only system we have, and a pretty damn good one at that), rendered it’s verdict…NOT GUILTY! Accept it and move on! JESUS…you are turning “Sugar Snap Peas” into a political statement? What a bunchof crap!!!!!
Thanks for keeping the ingredients light—the anti-Deen, Trayvon Martin salad!