Sippity Sup is Featured In Food & Wine Magazine. Sometimes you get Happy Little Messages in your in box.
Sometimes they are from a close friend just saying they were thinking about you. Awwwww, aren’t those so nice?
Sometimes you get a notification from a solicitor in Africa informing you that some kin you were not even aware of has left you a fortune! Wow… a fortune. All you need to do is cover a few legal costs and take care of the estate fees via a cashiers check and the grand fortune is yours!
Well, I’ll let you in on a secret. That is not a Happy Little Message. Nope, that’s a delete and move on message. Trust me. Delete and move on every time. No exceptions.
Sippity Sup is Featured In Food & Wine Magazine
But sometimes the Happy Little Messages are legit. Take this one from Christine Quinlan of Food & Wine. Yep, the magazine!
Hi Greg,
I cover kitchens for FOOD & WINE magazine and am putting together a piece that will feature 2 or 3 fantastic bloggers’ home kitchens for an upcoming issue. Would love to include yours if you’re willing. Let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing from you.
Chris Quinlan
Deputy Editor
Happy Little Message indeed. In fact, just see what it led to! And I didn’t even have to send them a cashiers check.
Greg Henry
Sippity Sup is Featured In Food & Wine Magazine