We have a winner in the Savory Pies giveaway, and I know who it is! Actually, we have 6 winners and I know who they all are.
Now I could just blurt it right out and tell you. But that’s not very Sippity Sup, is it? Nope, I like to milk it for all it’s worth.
As usual, I have a video to announce the winners. It’s a “live” drawing and you can watch me draw the winner’s names randomly from a colander while sitting on a table wearing a red hat! Doesn’t that sound fun?
Because this is supposed to be fun. So to keep it fun, I hope we’ll all keep the winners to ourselves. Let’s give them a chance to sit through the entire video waiting and wondering in anticipation. So please don’t tweet the winners or congratulate them by name here in the comments. You can cry and moan and throw a temper tantrum about losing in the comments or on twitter all you like! But really let’s let the winner suffer a bit, shall we?
In case you didn’t know 5 lucky readers will win a copy of my book Savory Pies (now available for pre-order on both Amazon and Barnes & Noble), as well as some pie-making essentials from Wilton and REAL Butter. Plus, one additional lucky pie maker will win all of that plus a Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer. It’s a fantastic machine. My mixer made hundreds of pies during the writing of this book and never broke a sweat!
If you are one of the winners send me an email in the contact GREG tab and I’ll arrange delivery of your prizes. Now watch the video and GOOD LUCK! GREG