It’s just jell‑o but it’s sooo pretty!

- 7 package (4 oz size) jello (colors & flavors are up to you)
- 8.75 cup boiling water
- 3½ cup sour cream
Dissolve 1 pkg jello in 1 ¼ cups boiling water, stir until dissolved. Spoon (do not pour) about ½ of the liquid into a 12 cup bundt cake pan. Chill until set but not firm. Meaning it sticks to your finger when touched but holds its shape.
Add ½ cup sour cream to the remaining jello from the first package. Mix well, then pass through a strainer to remove all lumps. Carefully spoon (do not pour) this creamy layer onto the plain jello layer. Chill until set but not firm.
Repeat with the remaining 6 packages. You may have a bit of the last layer left over.
To unmold, dip the mold in a large vessel of warm water for about 10 seconds. Gently pull the jello from around the edges with a moistened finger. Place a moistened plate on top of the mold and carefully (quickly) invert. Pour off any accumulated liquid. Shake slightly to loosen the jello. Gently remove mold and center jello on plate as well as you can. Use a clean paper towel to mop up any messy liquid.
It’s important that your pan be exactly 12 cups, otherwise the proportions and depth of your stripes will vary.
If you have a different sized pan. Improvise!
i haven’t made anything thanksgiving related for my food blog.
i have a ton of xmas food gift ideas though.…does that count?
Wow, I made this dish last night to test for next thursday.. It was either this dish or a similar one from the cook book Two dudes and One Pan. I am definitely using yours! Thank you so much!
… To hear it! GREG
Greg, I hate to admit it, but I have never even tasted a chestnut. It’s true! I seldom see them and when I do I think “I should get some of those sometime” but never do. And I have never been served a chestnut anywhere. It’s kind of surprising really, because my mother was a very eclectic world-class cook and you’d think I would have had them at her table. Well, I really must remedy this situation!
Beautiful table! Ever smelled chestnuts roasting on an open fire on a street corner? In Spain? NYC? Too bad that doesn’t happen in LA! Delicious!
What do they taste like? Also, I can’t seem to make the link for the recipe work. Since I have never tried them, next week might be the perfect time to try them!
The links work for me. If you still have a problem let me know. I have had a link breaking gremlin running through SS these past few days. GREG
Absolutely everything on this spread appeals to me, but I think I am most drawn to the potatoes and the Brussels sprouts, as I am a side dish fiend. And I want your lens, pretty please! I would have to climb a tree to get that much in a shot. (Maybe you did?)