Harvey Wallbanger. It sounds like some sort of slacker dude, and in a way maybe it is. But for our purposes here I’ll say that it is an alcoholic drink or cocktail made with vodka, Galliano, and orange juice.
serves 1
- 1½ ounce vodka
- 4 ounce fresh squeezed orange juice
- ½ ounce galliano liqueur
- orange slice
- marischino cherry
Shake the vodka and orange juice with ice, strain into an ice-filled highball glass. Use a spoon to carefully float the Galliano on top. Garnish with orange slice and cherry.
Greg, love your “adult float.” It looks so refreshing! And I think you were so right to turn down the butter substitute–I could not in good conscience get involved with a butter substitute. Everything is better with butter!
Good for you. I agree that one should stand for something. If someone approaches you with something you’d never use in a million years or actually abhor… if you take the product you have to lie and say it’s nummy or you will get someone in marketing in big trouble by saying it is execrable gunk. The product is given in good faith to sell more of it.
On the other hand, things sent unbidden should not have to be returned. A thank you note with a polite no thanks is enough.
what a great and thoughtful post. Ever since Leah and I started the Food Blog Code of Ethics, I think my name has been crossed off the “freebie” list. No one bothers to send me replacement butter products because they know 1) I don’t do product reviews 2)I started the Food Blog Code of Ethics. It’s important to think about all these things and to be open and honest about the role our blog plays in the world–especially when it has the possibility of being influenced by corporate “sponsorships.” I must commend you on your thoughtfulness and courage to talk about a very controversial subject. Cheers to you and your ethics!
… I’ve received a few and have accepted some. I have always admired the way any products that you’ve mentioned in your posts are so integrated to the feel of your blog. And because of this, I do value your opinion on products because if it makes into one of your posts, then it means that there’s some real value in it. Case in point: this Verdi spumante. What else could I possibly add to the raves about your pear sorbet and spumante except, Wow!
(BTW, I’ve been meaning to tell you for ages that the 3‑in‑1 peeler that I purchased from your OpenSky store is a gem! Have been peeling peaches and tomatoes with ease — and without boiling water — ever since.)
Are you trying to make me cry? You must know by now I am a sucker for kind words. GREG
I don’t care as much about all that, but your picture is so beautiful and the idea for a nice summer dessert has captivated me. I remember back in the day serving Daiquiri ice sorbet with champagne. Your idea is more elegant!
Funny though and this is true. A year ago, company wanted an endorsement, sent me product. It has ingredient I didn’t believe in. I told them, they were a new company and should change their recipe. They wrote me on Tuesday. They changed their ingredients and are resending product. So, it shows the power of food bloggers and of sticking to your beliefs. They remembered how adamant I was.
Nowadays, it is very easy to get ‘peer pressured’ into doing what is right for your finances rather than your own personal opinion, mostly due to the credit crunch, but that’s a story for another day. Instead, it is great to see you taking care of your blog they way YOU want to, taking decisions into your hands and going with your gut decision, a quality not seen very often these days, great job and a unique blog to be part of.
Thanks for posting this Greg. It’s an issue that’s been on my mind a lot as the “food blog spam” comes pouring in my inbox. I gear my blog (mostly) toward whole, unprocessed foods and tried out BlogHer ads for a while. I did my best to opt out of junk/processed food ads, but I couldn’t help cringing when I saw an ad for Stove Top Stuffing. I thought I was just being food snobby, but I eventually took down the ads all together because it didn’t jive with what I feel very strongly about. I think that’s what it boils down to — following your gut and being honest with your readers (like everyone else said… you’ve got a lot of support!). They’ll appreciate you for that, even if you miss out on a lot of free stuff. 🙂
is waiting in my draft file…seemed a bit harsh for me to say that we are all becoming cheap marketers for companies who normally might pay big money for advertising…a whole can of worms open up in that area…
I also have no time to receive all the things they are asking of me, review it and write about it in a timely manner, so I have said no. Of course some of it I am seeing all over other blogs at the same time, and therefore I cannot post anymore. I like free things just like the next person, but it is not why I began blogging. I also choose not to clutter up my site with advertising, in spite of my partner on the wine site who has chosen to do some against my wishes.
I do however like what you have done with the dessert! I put red bean ice cream into sake and made a float, but we drank them before I got to take a photo last night…oh well some things are better left unsaid I guess…
Thought provoking post, Greg. I don’t think you were being smug at all. I think it all comes down to “Does this make sense for my blog?”.
But a free trip? I’d have a hard time not taking that one unless it was promoting tofu 😉
your tofu is my plastic. GREG
Your dilemma is obviously shared by others. I enjoyed reading the comments your post stirred up. I personally do not accept a product I would not normally use (though a trip and a conference would definitely be hard to turn down). On the few occasions I accepted an invitation to try something it was with the quid pro quo that I may not publish anything.
On a different but similar subject, I’d like to state that although I work at supporting my fellow bloggers by visiting their blogs and leaving comments, I use the same yardstick. I cannot comment on something that is disagreeable to my palate or that I can’t personally relate to (like making ice cream, candy or most desserts). But…that doesn’t mean I won’t be back for the next post.
I guess, in the end, it’s all about being true to yourself.
Great post Greg! Your blog is your own…it’s your voice…and it’s you. Not every blog is set up like that so it makes sense that you pick and choose what you put out for your readers.
I too have turned down offers that just don’t fit with my site. Plus I’m from the school of “don’t whore yourself out.” I wish these companies would contact us about buying advertising on our sites instead of plying us with products that don’t make sense to our readers. I’m not suggesting that we would necessarily accept their ad dollars (depending on what would be advertised and your personal feelings about ad spots on your site) but the consideration time might be longer than a quick “No.” In the long run these companies would see a better return on their dollar.
Stepping off soap box now…
I’m looking forward to trying this grown up spumante sorbet float in the near future. 🙂
I am the kitchen foodie cook. I am hoping I can say intermediate, but I grow through my passion of studying, notations for my own changes to a recipe or thought process, trial and error in the kitchen, and checking out foodie blogs like this one (LOVE this blog; just thought I would say so). I follow blogs of people who show how much he or she LOVEs what they do in the kitchen because words share so much in the world of food. Thank you for sticking to your guns =), Shandy
Oh Greg, beautiful photos as always and I feel you on the moral issues. Though I have to say there is acceptable forms of butter substitutes: brown butter, ghee, etc. LOL.
I have said no to many products as well based on the fact that I am a seasonal, natural food blog and cannot accept foods that don’t fall under that category. Sometimes they send it anyway, so I take their products but would never write about it. I feel a little like a shill unless it is something I really like and would use often in my own kitchen.
Although the devil in me always thinks that a food blog is a lot of hard work and sometimes the pay is not so good, so I take these offers as some kind of payment for all that effort. Know what I mean?
I’ve also started turning things down if it isn’t a product I would use. I’ve also started getting invited to bug chain restaurants to try the new menus & decided if I wouldn’t pay there to eat I’m not going to eat there for free & write about it.
This side of blogging definitely leads to many difficult decisions but I, like you, am getting a little better at determining what products I truly love and know would be useful for my readers. In the meantime, you have made a beautiful sorbet!
Greg, this is a very powerful post. It does get hard to decide where to draw the line these days. You have a very creative “Sippity Sup” use for this wine. In no way did you sell out, you just made this ingredient better.
I’ve been a food blogger for just under two years. However, my situation is a little different than most food bloggers in that I was a webmaster for 10 years first. I founded a website in 1997 and sold it in 2007. About a year later I started my blogs. I’ve been pitched by PR companies for years through the website and still receive stuff from them since I’m still the editor there. My theory has been much the same as yours as far as my BLOGS are concerned. I review what I like (I also respectfully declined the butter substitute campaign) because a blog is mostly about you. After all, I highly doubt we’d see a recipe on this blog for something YOU don’t like, because this blog is about food that YOU enjoy. Yes? Yes. 🙂 Therefore, any reviews should be about things you would use. Websites are different. When I ran the website, I reviewed things based off of my audience, not my own personal feelings. The website was more like a magazine with a wide array of content written by different authors. It was not just filled with content that I had written. In fact, I recruited a few moderators from my message boards to do reviews for me for products that just wouldn’t work for me personally (i.e. baby products when my kids started getting older, etc).
So don’t feel smug, you’re not. If you are concerned that you won’t be approached again, simply state in your reply to them that while you don’t see this particular product being a good fit for you blog, you’d like to remain on their contact list for future opportunities. You did the right thing, in my opinion, for what it’s worth 😉
Nice job on the sorbet too!
I feel your uncertainty about all this as I’ve turned down giveaways and products before also. I think that by staying true to yourself and your instincts, you’re also doing best by your readers. Do your readers really need a butter substitute? Uh no. I probably would have said yes to the sponsor for the conference though. But that is only because I am a monetarily deficient med student who wouldn’t be able to afford to go on my own money.
I love how you took a product that you wouldn’t otherwise use and found something good to do with it! Good way to compromise.
Love this ingenious concoction! And I can appreciate your moral dilemmas and couldn’t agree with you more! Excellent post and BEAUTIFUL pics!
Oh wow, this pairing of pear sorbet and spumante has me wanting to run to the market to grab some pears and the local wine shop for some spumate, this is a grown up version of a favorite my mom used to make when we were growing up. I think we had different sorbets with 7‑Up.
I agree if it’s unsolicited, you get to make the rules. And, no way is there a substitute for butter.
Way to go for standing your ground! And even better that you found a way to make this freebie work for you (and be relevant to your readers). 🙂
Your conscience sounds a‑ok with me.
Happy week,
Bubbly pears.…mmmmmm.
I think you have struck just the right ethical posture here.
This blogging world stuff has become pretty overwhelming in a really short period of time. I agree that it is difficult to decide what to do with the freebies. We have decided to spend our own cash and do some trips/reviews that are of interest to me. If I find that things are not so hot, I will not say anything rather than blast them. If they are great and we have fun, then I will do a post. I feel better about all of this at the end of the day.
I have the same issue, as a matter a fact I have a pile in my studio of products that I thought might work but ended up not being the right thing to promote for one reason or another! Why put a product on sippitysup that you don’t wholeheartly endorse. Interested in ” The berry bible cookbook”? I have one to giveaway!
As for the spumante, because it’s such a beautifully simple recipe, I will be using your idea for a suprise party for 100 at the end of the month. Wish me luck (it’s at our home). Any other great appetizer ideas?
There is no substitute.
Hey Greg, you’re so entertaining, and good save on the Verdi Spumante. I would think a light flavored spumante with strong bubble would be great for things like a sorbet float and such! Sounds so refreshing…
Ditto. I would wonder how any blog could be perceived as a value to it’s readers if they posture themselves just for the sake of a freebie.
Interesting conversations I’ve had with other bloggers lately; seems there are the hares and the tortoises. I’ll take the slow and steady and not lose my sense of who I am or what my ethical core stands for. Sounds true of you too. Can I just say with all due respect…whoo hoo!
And now leave knowing my minor arithmetic skills will be tested…that’s all good too!
I have a guilty conscience when I accept a sample or whathaveyou and then choose not to mention it. I’m not interested in doing negative reviews, so I only share good news. You’re right to choose things to promote that you personally appreciate. And, sorbet with spumante sounds delightful!
Ah, to be right and relevant and original — that, in a nutshell, is my aim too.
And I also struggle with the stream of PR offers. I find that I don’t always know when is the right time to say no. I think that I have a responsibility both to myself and to my readers (and to the PR companies if I agree to accept an offer or product, however big or small), but those responsibilities don’t always align. I’m still learning as I go along!
I think you’ve done the right thing in all cases. Frankly, if you had promoted a butter alternative here, I would have been very surprised. It’s not a product that I would choose to characterize your blog. I love OXO, too, but I understand your rationale for not posting about the company. And gifts are given with no obligation, right? You gave another product a chance and you ended up liking it. Now we hear about it. Not smug at all. Just being honest–to yourself and to your readers.
I’ve only been blogging a few months and already I have received some offers to participate in giveaways… mostly for products I would never promote on my blog (pre-made frozen desserts? HELLO?!?). I think your approach is a good one — be honest, be true to yourself and your blog, and you’ll be just fine.
p.s. — five times a week?! Holy crap, I’d be happy to find enough time to post five times a month. Maybe when my kids are grown and I’m retired from my f/t job… 🙂
Hi greg
I like your post and the tone of honesty of yours (sorry is it real english mais tu comprends right?!)
I myself am surrounded and snowed with promotions and other giveways stuff which I all decline as I am not a professionnal and do not expect anything out of my blog but happiness to share with others !
On this je te souhaite une bonne journée !!! et si jamais on t’offre un voyage à paris tu sais où me joindre sur le blog !!!
J’aimerais venir à Paris. Savez-vous où je pourrais obtenir un voyage libre? Ce la est une promotion à laquelle je pourrais dire oui oui! GREG
je ne sais pas ; l’alliance française à coté de chez toi?
cheers !Pierre