Would you be offended if I referred to these Petite BBQ Bison Burgers as sliders? I don’t want to antagonize anyone with insensitive language. It’s not my way.
I try to be PC in most of my dealings with people. I avoid cussing when I can. I’m not really a name caller – even in jest. I see no point in upsetting or alienating another person based on our differing opinions or backgrounds. I’m not saying I don’t have (and share) strong opinions. It’s just that I try to be respectful with those opinions. So if I roll my eyes and gag when I hear your opinion, I promise it’s involuntary.
Here’s an example. When the holidays roll around I don’t mind mind saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas – especially in a situation where Merry Christmas might somehow annoy another person. Of course I’ll admit I’m opinionated enough to think that anyone who gets peeved by being wished a Merry Christmas has issues of their own. Still, I’m PC enough to go ahead and play it safe.
Same goes for food.
I won’t call sweet treats Crack. And though I know it’s just eggs on toast with anchovies, I won’t be offering you any Scotch Woodcock. Don’t get me started on Head Cheese. Fortunately I don’t live in Minnesota where a Dago is a sausage burger piled with grilled onions, peppers, tomato sauce, and melted cheese. I’d have to go my whole life without eating pork. Even the idea of a cocktail called Sex on the Beach makes me blush. I know the phrase is rarely uttered outside a bar, but you never know who’s listening, so I’ll just have a beer.
Which brings me to the word slider. Am I being insensitive to these perfectly delicious little BBQ Bison Burgers by calling them such a thing? You see originally the term slider was used as a derogatory slur against White Castle. Evidently White Castle burgers are so greasy that they slide down the gullet easily. I’ve never eaten a White Castle burger so I can’t say for sure. Maybe it’s just a statement of fact. Maybe White Castle burgers slide down easily because they’re delicious. Maybe. But I’m just PC enough to worry about it. GREG
I’d never stopped to consider the origin of the word slider–I had no idea–and ‘ve never had a White Castle burger either but two of these lovely bison burgers would be perfect. (Now if only everyone would adhere to your policy–there’s been too much name calling and insensitive language in the world lately.)
Greg, your pictures have become museum quality. So beautiful. I couldn’t agree with you more about name-calling. Insulting someone is never the best course of action, if what you want is something other than resentment and/or hostility. But people by and large aren’t thinkers. They use terms like “knock your socks off” and then claim that porn is exploitation. They oppose gay rights, but can’t help themselves from doing the YMCA thing, or singing We Are the Champions at football games. I’m glad you spend time thinking about the way your words might affect people.
I, too, have some involuntary reactions that I cannot manage… but that is another story for another day. And I grew up eating Scotch Woodcock. And Welsh “Rabbit”… And I would eat one of your sliders in a heartbeat no matter what you called them.
Merry Christmas is just fine with me, but Happy Holidays is ok also. Sometimes I get so tired of all this.….. . I do like the looks of your sliders.
Ha! I couldn’t figure out what you were getting at! I’ve never had White Castle, and had no idea about the slider reference. Funny to me, we were at a Japanese restaurant the other day, cause i couldn’t live another day without my favorite sushi and sashimi from this restaurant, that had obviously been closed, and I mentioned to my husband that they had Sex on the Beach listed in their cocktails! I didn’t blush, but I just thought it was really funny at a Japanese restaurant! I opted for sake, and now we have to go back because it was so good and I forgot to take a pic of the bottle! Anyway, great sliders!
Bison burgers are one of my favourites and calling them sliders is perfectly fine with me. I’ve never had White Castle sliders, but then again, I am a bit of a food snob so it’s unlikely I will ever have one. Happy Holidays.
I’ve always been slightly embarrassed by some of those cocktail names, too. Although I’ve never figured out whether it’s actually the name, or the fact that most of them are pretty lame drinks, that bothered me more. And I really *like* saying Happy Holidays — that phrase can encompass a whole month’s worth of celebrations — several different religious holidays, the new year, etc etc. Anyway, White Castle sliders aren’t bad. Not something I’d seek out, but worth a try if you have a chance. Research, you know. These bison burgers definitely are worth seeking out — such a nice recipe. Thanks!