
My OpenSky Shop Has A Cool New Look

I have some more great news. My shop at OpenSky has been given a cool new look, and I don’t mean just some sort of virtual paint job either. Sure, OpenSky is new a new and exciting community driven, virtual shopping experience filled with shops from online experts you know and trust. Which in itself is a great idea. But the folks at OpenSky are not ones to “sit around on their laurels”. Nope, because they have been listening to you (me, us…) and have already made big improvements to the site.

There are more exciting developments coming so check back often. Anyday now I expect to have a magic button in my sidebar that will take you directly to my store. If you have any other ideas please let me know. That’s what I am here for so don’t be shy.

Now if you know anything at all about retail, then you know that whenever there is a big announcement like this there is also a Big Sale. So in honor of the redesign CLICK right over to my store and use the coupon code REDESIGN to get 10% Off anything at OpenSky.  This coupon will be good through the end of January.  So I implore (demand??) that you CLICK right over and check out the new digs.

And in case you missed one of the purple links above CLICK here. Click. Click. Click. GREG