I am so lucky. Not just ‘cuz I am old enough to drink bourbon (and smart enough to mix it with tea and blueberries). Nope, I am lucky to be involved with The Table Set Podcast. It’s been a real gift in my life. One of those things that come out of nowhere, like a great big penguin just begging to sit on my lap. Completely out of its element, but strangely cute. Once it settled in, I had to wonder why everyone doesn’t have a penguin sitting on their lap.
My good fortune comes courtesy of Joy the Baker. She sent me an email one day out of nowhere asking if I had any interest in being involved with her new Podcast Network, HomeFries. Podcast? Network? Me?
Of course, I said yes. I always say yes. I am a yes man and for good reason. Yes is a word that opens doors.
The door that opened led to The Table Set and 2 people who have become very important in my life. Nathan & Andy. Two guys, younger than me. Hipper than me. Smarter than me. Better looking than me. Ok, ok… maybe I am taking this too far. But you get my point. As bloggers, these guys were certainly on my radar (The Chocolate of Meats and The Wind Attack). But that’s where it ended, right? After all, we had so little in common, seemingly.
But like most things in life– do a little scratching beneath the surface and wonders reveal themselves. Because in fact Andy, Nathan and I have quite a bit in common. Who knew? (well, Joy knew!)
So I hope you’ll listen to our podcast. In Episode 10 The Table Set discusses fun, innovative, updated Tea Parties. When to have them. Why to have them. Where to have them. Tea Parties. They’re all the rage. So leave your politics at the door, because we’ve got the Three C’s of Tea Sandwiches and a boozy beverage we call Tea Time Bourbon Cocktail. It’s a complex marriage of blueberries muddled with black tea, rosé wine, lemon juice and (of course) bourbon. Making a tea that is decidedly not for totlers.
So tune in. Maybe you will find something you didn’t even know you were looking for. Joy indeed!
Tea Time Bourbon Cocktail serves 6 CLICK here for a printable recipe
- 7 T raw sugar
- 2 c brewed unsweetened black tea
- 1 c fresh blueberries
- 2 c bourbon
- 1 c fresh lemon juice
- 1 c fruity rosé
- 8 slice lemon, as a garnish
Make the simple syrup: Stir together sugar with 7 tablespoons hot water in a small saucepan set over medium heat until sugar is dissolved. Set aside to cool.
Prepare the cocktail: Put half the blueberries into the bottom of a large tea pot or pitcher. Use a muddler or wooden spoon to break up the fruit. It should be slightly mashed, but not pureed. Pour in the prepared simple syrup, bourbon, lemon juice and rosé. Refrigerate until chilled, about 2 hours.
Serve over ice in tall glasses, with lemon slices and remaining blueberries for garnish.
Adapted from Bon Appetit Magazine
Greg Henry
Sippity Sup
lol, enjoyed how you mixed PIPA and chocolates
To get my irony of using facts from CNN and a recipe from Ghiradelli! GREG
What magic did you conjure to end up with a truffle so perfectly round? I am jealous! I became informed about SOPA and PIPA when my oldest daughter started whining on FB about Wiki being down. Poor child had to use actual books for research:)
As for the photo on you-know-what-site not getting accepted, it’s a joke! I think they like overexposed pictures. Your photos are gorgeous and inspirational.
How did you get it so perfectly round? Some sort of magic, I suspect. Lick-a-vision, where are you?
I think the protest helped to inform a lot of people, especially the Wikipedia blackout. Sounds like some congressmen have already withdrawn their support of SOPA. PIPA may be a tougher fight. I’m all for stopping piracy, but this legislation is so misguided, it’s a joke.
Your truffles make all the injustice a little easier to endure. 🙂
I’ve petitioned the State Department since I’m not in the US. I’m an American but it only counts if I live in the US.
That said, I LOVE truffles and I’m writing this recipe down now!
I must be so so out of the loop. I knew about wiki but I didn’t know others were joining in. Good for you I think. I need to go read up on this when I have a minute. As far as truffles, you saved the day. I have heavy cream expiring today and had no idea what to do, so truffles it is.
Well done. I know it’s temporary so I’ll be back. My page is also black today, for twenty four hours. Piracy is bad, censorship is worse.
I’m not as informed as you…too bad a movement among bloggers to go dark wasn’t started earlier because I am in agreement and would have done so; however, I already started surfing. Bad me!
I am not all that informed. I just saw a chance to do a funny post so I took it! GREG
Thanks for sharing this important news with our community. Wow. I am embarassed to say that I was totally underinformed about all of this. I am really appreciative of your post.
And those truffles look damned good too;)
On a more serious note, I am in full support of what you are doing.
love the truffles and you are hilarious! love the copycat comment. 😀
Okay, maybe I can live with 24 hours of darkness on this space…but no more and only because I know you’ll be back! That is a perfect looking truffle–I love, love truffles!