I went to the Hollywood Farmers Market this morning in search of French Market Carrots. As I mentioned in my last post carrots are a holiday “must have” for me. If you aren’t familiar with this particular type of carrot then I should let you in on its most unusual attribute. This is a round carrot. It’s also a nineteenth-century French heirloom variety whose round shape and small size were developed to be grown in the shallow window boxes “sur les rues et les avenues de Paris”. I’m pleased to say I got 3 of the last 4 bunches. I guess other folks consider special little carrots a Thanksgiving “must have” as well.
Of course, I could have made do with some other type of carrot. I spied bunches and heaps of the most unusually colored carrots you can imagine – red, yellow, white, and even two-toned varieties. I could certainly impress my guests with Technicolor carrots. Still, as much as the color appealed to me, it’s Thanksgiving. I felt the need for something a bit more traditional. Because purple carrots may catch the eye but they’re not like the carrots my mommy used to make. Nope, my mommy served orange carrots on Thanksgiving, so I chose orange. I may have wanted orange carrots, but I required round carrots.
How could anyone require a round carrot? Isn’t that a little too persnickety? Maybe. But you see, I also got elongated little yams about the size of a fat Cuban stogie. I was hoping to roast them and serve them on the plate whole and unpeeled. Round carrots are the perfect visual counterpoint. I could hardly have had two tube-shaped vegetables on the plate.
So, with round carrots in hand, it’s time to think about what to do with these French Market Carrots. They taste spectacular raw and have a very intensified carroty flavor. They’re just the right size to pop into your mouth too. No recipe. No cooking. No need to peel these babies. So I could just end my post here and serve them raw, pas de problem, oui?
Well, non.
This is Thanksgiving and I plan to put a little more effort into these carrots than simply: Wash well and dry thoroughly.
But I can still keep it simple. I’ve chosen Glazed French Market Carrots with Quatre Épices.
Glazing is a very traditional way to cook carrots in France. French cuisine is also well known for traditional mixtures of herbs and spices that are so beloved they’ve become known as a single ingredient. Herbes de Provence, Fines herbes, and in this case, Quatre épices– a holiday-appropriate blend of ground ginger, nutmeg, cloves, and black pepper. It’s like a savory version of pumpkin spice. GREG

How adorable! Love the way you cooked them.
Great idea to use quatre épices! Nice change from my usual Marsala and thyme! Happy Thanksgiving to you and Ken. I know your feast will be amazing.
I love your savory version of pumpkin spices. What a great flavor for those cute carrots.
Wow are those fun. I wish my local farmer’s market carried those. I guess I will have to make a point to get the the Hollywood Farmers Market to try this.
I learn something new about food every day. That glazed picture is beautiful.
I’ve never seen tor eaten these, and I want to! I wish I could run out and find them right now! I love this cooking method for them. I hope you and your family have a lovely and delicious Thanksgiving.