Fried Eggplant Sandwich. Don’t resist it and don’t pretend like you don’t like eggplant. This sandwich will prove you wrong in that regard. It may just prove me wrong too (in another regard). But you’ll have to read on to understand what I mean.
Sippity Sup turns six years old in just a few months. I’m honestly surprised that it has lasted so long. I’m even more surprised by all the wonderful things that have come out of it. Namely, I’m a heck of a better cook than I used to be. But more unexpectedly I have blog friends that became life friends. I’ve developed a certain confidence in myself, and in my point of view. Oh, and I wrote two books, with a third and (maybe) a fourth brewing.
But what has this to do with a fried eggplant sandwich? Well, as is my way, whenever I decide to do something I always jump in with both feet. It’s just the way I am. Especially with something I love whole-heartedly and unabashedly. I love a fried eggplant sandwich (yes I do) and I will get to it momentarily.
Today I thought I’d share something that may or may not be obvious about myself. The people I love and the important things in my life and are very carefully chosen. Oftentimes this makes me hard to get to know. This means I’m not popular on Pinterest (in fact I don’t even get Pinterest) and I have been accused of being standoffish and snobbish IRL. I prefer to think I am prudent and purposeful (and maybe a little shy). But that may just be semantics– who knows.
However, my enthusiasm for Sippity Sup sorta surprised me. It came upon me very quickly. So, once I decided to love Sippity Sup I knew I would make sacrifices to keep it happy and well-fed. I am also a natural caregiver…
So in the care and feeding of Sippity Sup, I found that my kitchen choices and the style of foods I wanted to feature here began to change. Instead of thinking what would I like to cook or eat? I began to run every food choice through a Sippity Sup filter. Because not every recipe or every food fits Sippity Sup. I have to make editorial decisions in order to keep the look and feel of the blog authentic to its voice.
Wine Pairing
2009 Col d’Orcia “Banditella” Rosso di Montalcino

Price $30
Pairs well with spicy Italian food, grilled steak, grilled portabello mushrooms over polenta, and stewed rabbit ragù over pappardelle
One of the most important decisions I made about the tone and style of Sippity Sup was to try and present food that suits the way people eat these days. But I did not want to be obsessed with “healthy recipes” or follow “food fads” too obsessively. Besides, I refuse to entirely set aside the very things that make eating such a pleasure (cream, butter, eggs, cheese, red meat, alcohol, fried food, etc). After all, these are the building blocks of excellence when it comes to cooking. Still, I wanted to set some balance and moderation in this department. Because I believe in balance and moderation– even when I am jumping into something I love with both feet first.
Fried Eggplant Sandwich
Which almost brings me to this fried eggplant sandwich. It’s an example of what I consider a culinary pleasure. But I can see how Pinterest might not embrace it.
Before this blog, I enjoyed thumbing through a million magazines and cookbooks looking for a recipe to pop out at me and demand to be made. I generally remained fairly loyal to the author’s intention and only made a few minor changes. I guess this is how I “learned” to cook. Because, as I have said I am not a chef. I have no formal training.
I also have no formal training in blogging. Who does? It’s a learn as you go endeavor. Well after six years of blogging I find myself thinking about throwing in the towel. Blogging has changed so much.
Just so you know. If I do cut the throat of this little blog, it won’t be just yet. I’m not a rash person and I’m very loyal. Fiercely loyal. So a change like that won’t come easily. But the idea is dancing around the edges of my brain.
Also, I promise you I’m not writing this to force you into validating me in any way. Don’t bother to praise me or tell me how much I’d be missed. I know I’d be missed by the very fact that I would miss blogging. Still, my brain dances…
This is why I chose this fried eggplant sandwich today. It’s not gluten free. It’s not vegan. It’s not wrapped up in a pretty bow. There’s no quinoa. I didn’t even put it on a Pinterest-friendly red plate. In fact, I can’t even think of one tag that will help this (totally delicious) eggplant sandwich draw viewers. After all, it’s fried. Fried! People will hate it. But you know what? This fried eggplant sandwich just might make me want to eat on and just keep blogging. GREG

Ah screw Pinterest! I only end up wasting my time on there anyway pinning pictures of food I will never cook. This on the other hand looks delish! I made some eggplant parmigiana this week so hell, let’s keep the eggplant kick going! congrats on 6 years & I hope you keep going!
Congrats on 6 years of blogging, 2 books completed and maybe 2 more on the way? And you know what, l bet you this sandwich kills on Pinterest.
Congrats on the milestones!! Wow! This is so exciting. And you are not quitting. No way. With unique recipes like this — certainly NO 😀
We oldtimers with 5 or 6 years under our belts have the luxury of confidence, perhaps mainly because we blog for ourselves these days as much or more than for anyone else — and that includes not sticking to any mandated post timetable. Post when you feel like it, when you’ve got something you want to show off or say, or when you miss us. You can’t quit because you know we’ll come looking for you!!
I’ve been blogging for five years and find now that my last post was over two months ago. I didn’t decide to take a break — it just happened. Everybody needs a break. I’d eat this sandwich… after all, it’s covered in panko!
Yes, I’ve entertained those thoughts about stopping adding to my blog from time to time. When it feels like an obligation or job, that’s when I question if I want to keep doing it. Those thoughts usually pass.
You crack me up. Just in case, you did put the Pinterest necessary font on the sandwich, and you’ll know I’ll pin it. It’s going under vegetarian and MAN food. Ha. Now you can’t quit blogging, because it’s my goal to catch up to you. You are 50K websites ahead of me in US and I need that competition.…something to drive me. And, truthfully, I would cry if you quit. I need to know you are there in that Hollywood kitchen doing what I’m doing, being passionate and at times a tad snarky, but nice as pie. So stay around, if just for me. xoxo
Congrats on 6 Years!!!
I am loving this version of an eggplant sandwich! My mom always fries eggplant strips and then sautés them up with onions, ginger, garlic and a bunch of spices and boy o boy do we slurp it up 😉
You seriously crack me up…actually I think fried food does really well on pinterest! (for what it’s worth :P). Blogging has really changed over the past five years that I’ve been doing it..it’s crazy and totally a different game. But I wouldn’t stop it for the world! And I love fried eggplant, no matter how trendy (or not) it is.
Good sandwich! Looks weird but it’s good.
Far from making me hate it, the very word ‘fried’ draws me like a moth to a flame 🙂 This has revived my memories of a lovely fried eggplant sandwich that I used to order at a tiny hole-in-the-wall sandwich shop in south Georgia. Oh my dear, what a treat that sandwich was!
And about the blogging…I think most of us who have been around a while have at times entertained thoughts of packing it in and closing shop.I know I have. But the blog world would be such a dim place without your light, Greg.
Your creativity knows no bounds… This is pure awesome. (!!!!) 🙂 🙂
Greg — I’ve had thoughts of quitting blogging too, from time to time, but decided I liked it too much. The way to get around it is just to post when you feel like it — don’t be pressured by an “every Tuesday, or twice a week” self-imposed deadline. Because you provide an entertaining read and some great recipes — like this eggplant sandwich. Congratulations on six years.
Wow this is quite a post, Greg! Congrats on almost 6 yrs. I’ve been blogging about 4.5 yrs and as you said, no one knows going in what it’s going to be like. The good, the bad, and the unexpected side effects, i.e. real life friends that come from blogging, becoming a way better cook, and also the more ugly stuff that comes, too. Like thinking about tossing in the towel after 6 yrs — that would be a huge change. And you would be missed!! But if it’s more of a drain than an up-lifter, well, only you know 🙂 Anyway, great looking sandwich and one food I am terrible at preparing is eggplant! I’d love to try yours!
As to quitting blogging; I feel ya! Still, no matter the ways folks draw attention to themselves for things other than just great food; great food is what I love to make, read about and eat. And this is great food. How do I know? I balked once at a fried eggplant sandwich. I was in Boston, in the North End; the land of all things Italian smack in the middle of MA. The sweet man who owned the Italian deli insisted I would love it and so I acquiesced, for him more than me certainly.
He was so right…so much so that it’s one of the most memorable experiences of that trip. That and Limoncello. Nice company to be in huh? I’ve never tried to re-create that sandwich; maybe it’s time I tried? XO Barb
I LOVE eggplant.…like, majorly. This sandwich is right up my alley!
You could cook your own shoes and I’d still stop by to read about it, because I like your writing style. Congratulations on the upcoming 6 years!
I confess I am one of those “I don’t like eggplant, usually” people. Although I’ve had it in acceptable forms and I have to say, coated in breading and sandwiching cheese seems like it probably would be one of those forms. Also, f@*k pinterest.
Pinterest schminterest — I embrace this sandwich wholeheartedly! (Not to worry, I won’t say how much I’d miss reading your blog — I’ll just think it!)
Greg, it’s so nice to meet you through our blog. HIFi to six years and everything you’ve accomplished, 2 cookbooks, wow man.
Oh, no stop the dancing in your mind and come up with some awesome recipes like this one..Have a great week.
Mazel tov on 6 years! Don’t pull the plug. Keep making eggplant sandwiches. With extra feta. Please?
Love your blog and have found you to be quite enjoyable in person. Please don’t go away. And, YES to the eggplant sandwich…perfect.