
The Pitter-Patter of Carrot and Parsnip Soup

Carrot and Parsnip Soup

It’s raining in Los Angeles! As it turns out that’s Carrot and Parsnip Soup weather. Naturally, the much-needed rain inspired me to cook. So I set to work, surrounded by a warm kitchen and the rumbling of the rain. I chose Carrot and Parsnip Soup simply because its simple. Besides I had piles of carrots and parsnips leftover from a planned Thanksgiving side dish I nixed. Somehow I just knew there was something more important in store for those vegetables and that turns out to be this soup.

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how welcome the rain is here in California. While the city hills where I live were not directly affected by the latest tragedies, we’ve been on edge and feel great sadness. Believe it or not, soup helps me through the complicated emotions we all feel at times like these.

Which is why I’m particularly happy about the rain. It built slowly all day yesterday, came down heavy last night, and as I write this it’s beginning to wane mid-day. The best part is, you could feel it in the air. You knew it was coming. By nightfall, I began to hear the pings and pitter-patters on the copper awning outside my kitchen window. It made me happy to hear the soft landing of so many little drops. Did they know how welcome they were? Did they feel the gratitude of millions of people in this parched state? Let’s hope the rain doesn’t lead to more problems… GREG

Carrot and Parsnip Soup