
Hot Toddy

This aromatic cool weather Hot Toddy cocktail isn’t just for ski lodges and bad colds. So warm your winter with one.

Hot Toddy

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  • 2 cup water
  • 2 tablespoon honey
  • 2 shots bourbon
  • 2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 2 bags black tea
  • 2 cinnamon sticks (optional)
  • 2 pinch cloves, to taste (optional)
  • 2 lemon wedges (optional)


Bring the water to a boil in a kettle. Drizzle half the honey onto the bottom of each of 2 very large mugs. Then add half the bourbon and lemon juice to each mug. Once the water reaches near boiling, but not quite, place one teabag in each mug and fill them nearly full with the hot water. Garnish with any combination of whole cloves, cinnamon stick, and/or lemon wedge.